Welcome to sweet surrendered soul

My name is Shara, the creator of Sweet Surrendered Soul, and I want to take a moment to say thank you for stopping by. Sweet Surrendered Soul is a place for those who are curious about God and Christianity, new Christians, and those who have been walking with the Lord for years. You can expect to read about how the Bible applies to our everyday life. Some topics you will find written about are relationships, marriage, small groups, bible studies, resources, Christian lifestyle, and so on.
I am passionate about encouraging and discipling other women through the Word. I believe that a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the only thing that can and will ever satisfy our longing hearts.
As far as my personal life goes, I surrendered my life to the Lord in 2014. Since then, the Lord has given me the grace to overcome many obstacles I have faced since becoming a Christian. You can read my testimony here.
In 2016, I got married to my incredibly handsome husband, Garrett. We started out as best friends freshman year of high school, and to be honest, I never thought he would be the one I ended up with. God sure has a funny way of bringing two people together.
I appreciate you all so much, for not only supporting my blog by reading posts but for joining me on this journey of learning and growing closer to Jesus! I’m excited about this ministry and how the Lord is going to use this blog for His glory!