The Beginner’s Guide to Where to Start Reading in your Bible

So you want to start reading the Bible, but you don’t know where to begin? Whether you’re a new Christian or never really read the Bible on your own outside of church settings, I’m here to remove any confusions or complications to make starting out reading your Bible an easy and fun experience! This is the beginner’s guide to where to start reading in the Bible.

I’m going to share with you 2 simple application steps that you can take to know where to start reading in your Bible.

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1). Pick one of the 4 gospels

The 4 gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This is where you can read about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is essential for the Christian faith. You can always add a study to help with understanding the context of what you are reading. These can be helpful! Once you finish reading through one gospel, I recommend picking another. When reading through the gospels, the story of Jesus is really setting a foundation for you to build on as you continue to read the Bible.

I have created an 18-day reading plan for you that goes through the Gospel of John. This reading plan is a great way to build reading the Bible as a daily habit as well as giving you an idea of where to start reading in your Bible. Make sure to subscribe below to get your Gospel of John reading plan!

2). Continue in the New Testament

Once you finish reading a couple of the gospels, then I would recommend you move on to more books in the new testament of your Bible. You can choose to go in order, which would bring you to Acts and just read until the end of the Bible. Acts will explain more of what happened after Jesus died and rose from the grave. Or you can choose any of the books in the New Testament like Galatians or James and go in any order you’d like.


If you’re struggling to know which gospel to read, or where to start reading in the New Testament after you’ve read any of the gospels, ask God where He would like you to read. It may not be an audible answer you receive but listen to your heart and trust that God is guiding you. He will speak to you no matter where you decide to start reading.

For some helpful tips on how to prioritize spending time with God and making it a daily habit or if you need some help with starting to spend time with God, then check out my other blog posts!

I am so excited for you to start digging into your Bible! If you take the time to read the Word, I believe that you will see an incredible change take place in your life. Comment below where you decide to start reading in your bible!



  • Angela March 26, 2021 at 12:08 pm

    I have started to read my bible at John.

    Thank you for helping

    Kind regards

  • Olivia Marino May 9, 2023 at 2:47 pm

    What about the Old Testament?

    • admin May 31, 2023 at 8:15 pm

      Hi Olivia, I recommend starting in the New Testament in one of the 4 Gospels first. Sometimes starting in the Old Testament can be confusing. I know it was for me when I was first starting to read the Bible! But if you are familiar with the Bible already and are just needing help for where to read next and would like to read in the Old Testament, I would recommend reading the Old Testament in Chronological order. I hope this was helpful!

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