14 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

14 ways to strengthen your marriage - Sweet Surrendered Soul

Marriage is like flying on a plane. Sometimes you hit turbulence. What do you do when you hit turbulence? You pray and hold on tight. You’re probably reading this because you want your marriage to grow.

We all need a little help and encouragement when it comes to marriage. Nobody’s marriage is perfect. We all should be actively looking for ways to strengthen our marriage, whether your marriage is flying smoothly and successfully, or whether your marriage is hitting some severe turbulence. No matter which category your marriage falls into, there is hope for your marriage to continue to grow and strengthen.

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Fix your attitude

Your attitude is critical. How are you speaking to your spouse? What is the tone of your voice? What is the position of your heart? Try speaking in a tone that is joyful, delightful, and kind. I bet you’ll get a better reaction from your spouse, feel much better about the conversation, and detour any turbulence that could have come up.

Work on yourself

Become the best you that you can be. When you start to grow, your spouse will notice. Good things come from taking care of yourself, becoming better, and taking time to learn and grow. Perspectives shift, and things start to change. Become the person God needs you to be for your marriage, not who your spouse needs you to be.

Make the most of the day

What you do on a daily basis matters. Make sure to spend time with God and seek Him first. Keep doing what God has called you to do. Get the little things done. Change and growth happens one day at a time.

Work at it

Marriage is work, and marriage comes down to how much work and effort you are willing to put into it. Marriage is like anything else. If you have a dream or goal that you’re working towards, you have to put some work in to see that dream or goal come true. The same is for marriage; if you want your marriage to keep growing and be where you’d like it to be, you must keep putting in the work.

Take responsibility

Taking responsibility is important because you’re laying down your right to be right; not only would you be walking in humility but also showing that your spouse is more important than being right.

Never stop learning

Even if you’ve been married for 10, 30, 50 years, there is still so much to learn about your spouse. People change through time, which means preferences do too. With time comes growth in many areas. Ask questions you never have before. Spark up old memories. Observe habits. Go out of your way to look for new things to learn about your spouse.

Accept each other’s differences

We need differences in marriage. If you were married to yourself, life would be boring and maybe even annoying. Differences in marriage are a blessing. You and your spouse complement each other in different ways, and that can help both of you. Don’t let those differences hurt your marriage, instead complement each other’s differences.


Affirming each other is essential. Remind your spouse why you love them, what you find attractive about them. They can’t read your mind, and we don’t want to give the enemy any way in to lie to our spouse.

Grow spiritually together

Schedule time to sit and pray together or read the Bible together. You can go through a study together or even join a Bible study together. Find what works for you both, even if that means just praying together before bed. Things grow one day at a time.

Make your spouse a priority

If you don’t take care of your relationship, eventually, it’s going to stop working. If you put work, friends, kids, or dreams in front of your spouse, you may start seeing a shift in your relationship with one another. It will begin to feel less like a marriage and more like a job that you could start to despise. I always say that the order of priorities should be first God, then marriage, kids, and so on. Try to keep your priorities in mind as you go about your week.

Know their love language

If you haven’t I highly recommend reading the book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts and taking the test the five love languages. If you have already, then I recommend retaking the quiz. Retake the quiz every so often because we change all the time, and as we change, our love languages change too.

Have fun

Spend time together and have fun! Establish a date night. Make a list of things you both would like to do together. Having fun in marriage is crucial.

Love in action

Love is not just a word we say, but it is an action we do. Don’t just tell your spouse you love them, but show them you love them.

Stop comparing

Do not compare your marriage to others. It is not godly or beneficial. Comparison is deadly. No person is the same, which means no two people are the same.

Related Post: How to handle unmet expectations in marriage


  • Put yourself in your spouses’ shoes
  • Ask your spouse what they need from you
  • Ask how you can serve them
  • Marriage counseling is ok and sometimes much needed
  • Your identity comes from Jesus first
  • Marriage is like glass. If you don’t take good care of it, it will shatter
  • There is hope for your marriage!!

As you begin to apply these 14 ways to strengthen your marriage, remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Growth takes time, but stay encouraged because God is on the move in your marriage and life!

1 Comment

  • Ventolation January 8, 2022 at 11:35 am

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

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