45 Date Night Questions for Married Couples

45 Date Night Questions for Married Couples - Sweet Surrendered Soul

Are you looking to connect with your spouse on a deeper, more intimate level? Or maybe feel like you don’t have anything to talk about anymore?  Or maybe you’re just looking for a fun date night idea to do with your spouse. Whatever the reason may be, these date night questions are perfect for developing a deeper relationship with your spouse.

Why date night questions?

Date night questions are perfect for creating a meaningful and deep conversation. Since we see our spouse every day, sometimes, conversations can become predictable, boring, and routine. Unique, fun, and random types of questions don’t typically come up organically, which is why date night questions can be so fun!

Date night questions help us not only to learn more about our spouse but help us to understand and connect with them in a different way than usual. 

Have you ever heard the saying, “Never stop dating your spouse”? Well, a great way to keep dating your spouse is to ask questions! Meaningful questions lead to in-depth conversations, and fun questions lead to laughter, which is healthy for every marriage!

How to use these date night questions

You can use these date night questions any way that you would like. You can ask all 45 questions or pick 3-5 for each date night to discuss. 

My husband and I have implemented date night questions into our date nights multiple times, and each time we end up feeling more known by one another. It gives us a chance to hear their memories, dreams, aspirations, and thoughts about things that we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to talk about before within the typical setting.  

These date night questions are meant to encourage you and your spouse towards a deeper relationship with one another through deep, meaningful, and fun conversation. 

Here is your list of date night questions

  1. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  2. What do not a lot of people know about you?
  3. What is an area of your life that you would like to grow in?
  4. Did your family have any traditions that you’d like to continue in our family?
  5. What dreams did you have as a child?
  6. Who was your childhood hero?
  7. What has God been teaching you lately?
  8. In six words, how would you describe me to someone who has never met me?
  9. When/how did you know you wanted to marry me?
  10. Do you ever wish I could read your mind? When?
  11. What is one positive thing that you have learned from your parent’s marriage/relationship?
  12. What goals do you want to accomplish in the next year?
  13. What was your favorite class in high school?
  14. What has been your biggest prayer lately?
  15. What is your most embarrassing moment?
  16. What is your favorite memory of us dating?
  17. What is one of the best gifts you’ve ever been given?
  18. When have you been outraged?
  19. What do you most value in your friendships?
  20. What is one thing about our future that you are really looking forward to?
  21. Are there traits you have that you wish you could change about yourself?
  22. Would you ever drive across the country in an RV? Why or why not?
  23. If you could change anything in life right now, what would it be?
  24. Did you ever collect anything as a child?
  25. What is your deepest fear?
  26. What is your favorite memory with your mom?
  27. What is your favorite memory with your dad?
  28. What would you do with a million dollars?
  29. What is your favorite physical feature on your spouse?
  30. Did you ever get sent to the principal’s office?
  31. If you could relive a year in your life, what year would it be?
  32. Do you believe in soulmates? Why or why not?
  33. What’s one thing that I did that made you feel loved this week?
  34. If you could experience your wedding night again, what would you do differently? 
  35. What are five things you love about your spouse?
  36. What is your dream vacation?
  37. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done?
  38. How many days could you go without a phone?
  39. What is your favorite way for me to show you that I love you?
  40. What is one way we could improve our conflict resolution skills?
  41. What is a book you’ve read that has really impacted your life?
  42. Describe the perfect marriage
  43. Who was your favorite teacher in school, and why?
  44. What is your favorite memory from our wedding day?
  45. What can we do as a couple to make a change in the world?

Wow! There you have it! All 45 fun date night questions!

It is my prayer that you and your spouse find lots of laughter, connection, and intimacy through these questions.

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    1 Comment

  • Sophie April 15, 2020 at 5:58 pm

    Love this! My fiance and I love asking each other questions like this!

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