Are you looking to start spending time with God? Spending time with God seems like a weird thing to not only say, but to do. You may be thinking, how do I spend time with someone I can’t see? Or maybe you’re a new Christian and wondering what having a relationship with God looks like. The answer is.. You spend time with God just like you would anyone else. You talk to Him, you spend time with Him, you get to know Him, and you bond with Him. That’s typically how you start a relationship with someone. The same goes for having a relationship with God.
For example,
Let’s say that your favorite actor or actress was in town and you had the opportunity to have dinner with them. What would you do to grow that relationship? You would get to know them by talking to them and spending quality time together. It would be pretty awkward if you went to that dinner and just sat there in silence, acknowledging they’re sitting with you but not engaging with them to build a relationship. Or let’s say that you want to befriend someone but don’t talk to them or make any effort to get to know them at all. You couldn’t say that they were your friend if you have never actually talked to them before. The same goes for our relationship with God.
We can know that He is with us wherever we go, but if we don’t talk to Him or spend time with Him then can we say we have a relationship with Him? How can we say we have a relationship with God if we aren’t actively pursuing to get to know God?
We can know that He is with us wherever we go, but if we don’t talk to Him or spend time with Him then can we say we have a relationship with Him? How can we say we have a relationship with God if we aren’t actively pursuing to get to know God?
Because I know you want to start spending time with God and getting to know Him, I have six helpful tips for you to do just that.
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Find a place with no distractions
Find a spot in your home where you can get comfy, open, and honest with God with few distractions as possible. I
Talk to God
Once you find your spot, now it’s time to talk to God. I usually intentionally speak with God at the start and end of my time with Him as well as communicating with Him throughout. It may seem weird to talk with God, but that’s all that prayer is. Prayer is talking with God as you would a friend. You can talk to God about anything!
Play some worship music
I love playing worship music while I am praying. It helps to put my heart in a place of praise, worship, and awe towards God. Listening and singing to worship are ways that you can express your heart towards God as well as hear from Him.
Grab your bible
Don’t forget to bring your Bible with you to your special spot! Now you can spend some time reading through the Bible and hear God speak to you. If you aren’t sure where to start reading, I have a blog post that will help you know where to start reading in your bible! As far as translations go, I highly recommend the NLT version. It is easy to read and understand. But ESV and NIV are good ones too.
Journal time
If you want to remember what the Lord is teaching you and apply the word to your daily life, journaling is the way to go. I have created a free printable with questions and suggestions that you can use as a guide for your journaling time with the Lord.
Be intentional and be consistent
Spending time with God isn’t something we do when we feel like it or once a week or just at church on Sundays. Spending time with God is something we should be doing every day. Not because it’s a rule or something we have to do to check off our to-do list, but because we really need Jesus every day! New struggles and worries arise every single day, and without spending time with God, we can start to put our hope and trust in the world and not in Him and what He says. God gives us the strength to live in victory, no matter what struggles we face!
There is no order to these six tips, but when applied, I can tell you that you will start to grow in your relationship with the Lord and hear from him.
And that’s how you start spending time with God! Leave a comment if this has helped you start to spend time with God or if you have any other tips to share! And don’t forget to subscribe to get your journaling questions!
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