Discover Your God-Given Purpose

What is my God-given purpose? - Sweet Surrendered Soul

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is my God-given purpose? Why did God place me on this earth? What’s the point of this life? Why am I here?” I have, and I can only assume that you have too. Sometimes life can seem meaningless.

The truth is, God, placed us here on purpose for a purpose. When He formed us in our mother’s wombs, He had a plan for our lives and what He wanted us to accomplish.

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We have 3 God-given purposes

To be loved by God

God placed us here on earth to be loved by Him. He created this earth and all the people on it, starting with Adam and Eve because He wanted children to love. He wanted us to be a part of His family. He wanted us to be in friendship with Him from the very beginning. Imagine how much easier life would be if we live life with our God-given purpose of being loved by God. The thoughts and opinions of others wouldn’t bother us anymore because we knew God loved us. When bad things happened to us, we wouldn’t question God because we would walk in His love knowing that He deeply loves us. There would be no confusion about God’s goodness or His plans for our lives because we would proclaim that God loves me, and we can put our trust in Him.

In a perfect world, we would walk out every day, feeling fully loved by God, no matter the circumstance. But unfortunately, since we live in a fallen world now because of the fall, we can’t rely on our feelings, which means somedays, we have to remind ourselves about how God loves us. This means that we need to preach the Gospel to ourselves daily. Speaking out what God did for us and how He views us by what the Bible says, not by what we feel.

The bottom line is, God placed us on this earth to be loved by Him. Not only when we do good things or feel that love. But to walk in that love every moment of every day.

To love God

Once we realize how much God uncontrollably loves us, we can now return that love. We were created to love God. To love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, with all our strength. Basically, with our entire being. We show God we love Him by our words, actions, thoughts, and desires. Again, since we live in a fallen, broken world, we can’t love God as much as He deserves, or even do all the right things all the time. But thankfully, He doesn’t ask us to! He asks us to love Him and give Him our whole self, and He’ll help us along the way. When we make mistakes, it’s important to go back to our first God-given purpose and remind ourselves that we are loved by God, even when we fall into temptation or fail to do the right thing. He sent His son for our mistakes so that we can be free to live a life being loved by Him and to love Him.

To love others

When we accept that God brought us here to be loved by Him and love Him, we can finally take that love and spread it towards others. When we reflect on the love, grace, mercy, compassion, and kindness that God has shown to us, we can now take that and show others that same love, grace, mercy, compassion, and kindness. When we love others in this way, we are showing them the love of Jesus. We are a witness of God’s love for us and our love for God.

Loving others is not always easier. A lot of the time, it can be the hardest thing you’ll ever decide to do. Especially when you feel they don’t deserve to receive love and kindness for their rude comments or actions. Yet, even when others are talking trash about you behind your back, treating you like you’re invisible, and just being plain mean, God still says that our purpose here on earth is to love people with no exceptions, including those mean people.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that as you show them love, you are representing Jesus and that matters. They will notice. And God can work on their hearts.

My prayer is that you meditate on these 3 God-given purposes and let them resonate within you and change you from within and that when the change happens, you will be ready to act upon them and live them out every day for the rest of your life.

I would love to hear in the comments below about which God-given purpose is easiest for you and which is the hardest and why.

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1 Comment

  • Brie LaPrell July 31, 2020 at 12:49 pm

    I love your openness about your relationship with God. Personally, I have been searching for my purpose for months, as I have felt incredibly lost for the past few years. I have come to the conclusion that my purpose is to spread my knowledge and talents to make this world a better place. After reading this post, I have a whole new, enlightened view on purpose. I do see how my personal “definition” of purpose plays into what you have written here though. Without God’s love, my love for him, and my love for others, I would not be able to make this world a better place with my knowledge and talents. Thanks for this awesome post!

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