Cling to Jesus in Crisis

Cling to Jesus - Devotional - Sweet Surrendered Soul

I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely.

Psalm 63:8 NLT

As we face hard times, what do we cling to?

It can be easy to grab the remote and turn on the TV or scroll through social media to get our minds off things or silence the pain with comfort food.

But doing so is only a temporary fix.

In a world that is full of imperfect people, and with circumstances changing all the time, how can we have hope when things get hard? What about when we face the unknown?

If you’re afraid, fearful, anxious, tired, lonely, bitter, confused, heartbroken, or worrisome, you’re not alone.

Going through hard times, especially with unknowns in place, can be extremely difficult. But I’m here to share with you that you are not alone, and there is hope for what you are going through.

When we face diverse challenges, we need to cling to Jesus with everything we are.

We need to cling to His word. Cling to His unfailing love. Cling to His presence. Cling to His power. Cling to His mercy. Cling to His grace. Cling to His words. Cling to His example. Cling to His life.

You will find that as you cling tighter to Jesus, the smaller the challenges, you face become. The more peace you will have. The more faith and trust you will have in Him.

Picture this, you being held in God’s hand. In the middle of His palm. He’s not letting you go. He has you, and you are secure. Anywhere that God brings you, you will not fall out of His hand. You are not holding on for your dear life in fear of falling off. You are secure in His hand.

No matter what uncertainties you face today, cling to Jesus, the one who knows the unknown, trusting that you are held tightly in His loving hand.


Thank you, Jesus, that you have not left me in times of trouble. You are holding me. I am secure in you. Help me to cling to you when I feel ______. For you alone, give me hope and satisfy. Thank you, Jesus, for being with me through it all. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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  • bethany April 29, 2020 at 4:29 pm

    I am learning this more and more during this season. Thank you for the encouragement this morning!

  • Ayanna April 30, 2020 at 10:52 am

    Clinging to God and His Word in the midst of hard times is so important. My husband and I did a news fast recently and it was so freeing.

  • Desiree May 4, 2020 at 6:38 pm

    This is so true. The quicker we get with Him in our storms, the easier it will be for us. I fail at this often.

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