If you’re looking for a simple, yet effective way to study the Bible, then the SOAP Bible study method may be a good fit for you. I am always looking for new, creative ways to study the Bible, and when I first learned about the SOAP method, I loved its simplicity.

What I like about the SOAP Bible study method
- It’s an organized and structured way to study the Bible
- The acronym is easy to understand and remember
- You can write as much or as little as you want
- Helps with scripture memorization by writing out scripture
- Allows writing out questions, concerns, thoughts, and ideas
- You get to think about the way you can apply what you have read to your life
- Writing everything out helps you to slow down and absorb all that God wants to teach you through His Word
- A great way to rest and meditate on His word
- Easy to look back on and understand what you read and your thoughts about it
- You can use this method anytime and anywhere
How to use the SOAP Bible study method
- Grab a journal and write out your own S.O.A.P layout for each day and customize it to your liking.
- Use my free printable that includes the S.O.A.P definitions as a reference as well as a guide that you can print out and use for your own Bible study time with God.
Related Post: Where to start reading in the Bible
Write out any scripture that is sticking out to you or is the main verse you want to focus on in your study time.
Based on what you just read, write out what you feel God is speaking to you, any questions you have, anything that you noticed that’s interesting, and so on. This is the time to get all your thoughts and observations on paper.
Write out how what you read applies to your life or what some lessons that you can take away from this reading are. This is a great time for self-reflection and examination.
Pray based on what you just read. Ask for understanding and bring to Him your insights and observations. Ask for help to apply what you’ve just read to your daily life.
Were you looking for a different bible study method? I have also tried The Daily Grace Co. Bible study journals and have loved them!
I hope that as you start the SOAP bible study method, it encourages you as you begin to dig deeper into God’s Word.
This is great! Thank you.
Thank you so much I need some guidance. A direction to study.