2 Ways to Prioritize Time With God

First off, I commend you for wanting to make time with God a priority. Life can get so busy, but the most important thing we can do is put God first in everything and spend quality time with Him every day.

The 2 ways to prioritize time with God are:

1). Find a consistent time in your schedule

I get it. Sometimes it’s hard to find time for things, especially the critical stuff-like spending time with God. We all juggle different responsibilities and have other things on our plate that need to get done. But whether or not you’re in college, getting married or a mom, we all are given the same amount of time every day. So the question becomes, how are we spending our time? How can we slightly shift the way we are currently using our time so we can spend time with God? Perhaps for you, that means instead of checking social media when you wake up or before you go to sleep, you could take that time to spend with God. Or while you’re on your lunch break, instead of watching Netflix or youtube on your phone, you can take that time to spend with God. Or maybe it’s inviting Him into the things you’ve already got planned in your day.

Finding those little areas in your day can be a great way to start replacing that time with what’s going to change and transform you continually-spending time with God.

Once you start spending time with God, set a timer. If you’re just starting out, maybe just set a 5-minute timer. Then once you start to do it daily and it becomes more of a habit, you can increase that time. That way you don’t feel so overwhelmed at first. Spending time with God isn’t meant to overwhelm you; it’s intended to fill you with peace. And there is no set amount of time you have to spend with God. God is just glad you spent any time with Him at all.

Spending time with God isn’t meant to overwhelm you; it’s intended to fill you with peace.  

2). No excuses

Now that you’ve found a consistent time in your schedule, it’s time to do it! Don’t wait till you have things figured out. You’d be waiting a long time if you did that. Start today!

It can be so easy to forget to spend time with God if it is not a habit already. I recommend setting a reminder on your phone. Then you can be reminded daily and not have to worry about forgetting.

Download my 18-day reading plan as we explore the Gospel of John! This reading plan is meant to encourage you to dig into your bible and create that habit of reading daily!

I 100% believe in you and believe that once you start to prioritize spending time with God in your day to day life, you will begin to see God at work and you will begin to see the difference it makes in your day. If you miss a day, don’t get discouraged, God still loves you and tomorrow is a new day! If you are new to the Bible or new to spending time with God, then check out my blog post 6 Tips on How To Start Spending Time with God.

Leave a comment with what strategy worked best for you to start prioritizing your time with God.


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